Phrases worth considering

Don't go around saying the world owes you a living; the world owes you nothing; it was here first.

Mark Twain [Samuel Langhornne Clemens] (1835-1910)

lunes, 29 de marzo de 2010

The ant sensation


I´m sitting here in front of my laptop, wondering how may I explain why since I came here I do have such a strange feeling, "the ant sensation".
Have you ever been in a massive concert or have you been in the FC Barcelona stadium when they play an important match? and have you had this feeling about how small am I?
Well here this happens everyday, the crowded wide avenues, the massive buildings, the traffic jams...everything is big, great, unthinkable, incomprehensible, disproportionate, massive...not enough adjectives to describe it.... you feel the sensation of power and greatness almost everywhere and you realize why this city has been the capital of "the empire" .... I try to figure out the sensation of a country side person or a farmer coming here the very first time, nowadays or 1000 years ago, it doesn´t matter at all......
Everything it´s bigger than your mind can really figure up.

On the other hand, the " ant sensation" makes me feel anonym and free of any ties, somehow I realize that nowadays I´m in the right place to avoid having any pressure and learn, study, play, read, cook, rest...whatever I ´d like to do without the western social pressure over me!!

Just some thoughts...


3 comentarios:

  1. Hi there,
    Just a few lines to congratulate you and your blog! It's actually worth a reading. I love that Mark Twain's quote: so true the world doesn't owe us anything, we actually owe so much to it...
    As for us, and I guess you'll probably know when reading this, we've made our move and China and you guys will not seem that far in a few months time. Looking forward to reading you next time. Have a good week and congrats again for such a good job you're doing here.

  2. What do you mean by "western social pressure over me"

  3. With western social pressure I mean our work culture and standards about what you should do or not to do and the goals you are supposed to achieve, your social role... but I might be wrong to put it as a western social pressure..maybe I just should say my home environment ...
